ヘルスコーチと栄養士の違いは?それぞれの特徴を詳しく解説【2024最新】 | LUNA|HEALTH COACH




Health coaches are trained professionals who can help you create lasting mental and physical changes. Using their knowledge of health and wellness, they empower you to take charge of your health by identifying areas for improvement and providing support and encouragement as you work toward your goals. They can also help you navigate the medical system and stay the course with your treatment if you have a serious or chronic illness.

A health coach won’t just prescribe a diet or recommend forms of exercise – they can act as a mental health coach, too. They’ll help you overcome limiting beliefs and connect your health back to your ultimate purpose in life. That’s how they are able to create personalized, real, lasting change.

What is a health coach versus a nutritionist? The main difference is that a nutritionist focuses entirely on your diet, prescribing specific diets and meal plans. Nutritionists are not doctors, but patients are often referred to them by doctors, and they may use bloodwork and lab tests in order to develop the guidelines they recommend.

Health coaching encompasses overall physical, emotional and mental health – going beyond diet to create a holistic, long-term solution to health concerns. They are also not doctors, and can’t write prescriptions. But can a health coach recommend supplements? Health coaches are happy to review recommendations for vitamins, supplements and other health aids.


A Health Coach gives their clients a concrete plan tailored for their preferences and lifestyle, that will allow them to achieve their health related goals, such as to lose weight, mitigate symptoms of a chronic ailment, improve their health, or simply to feel better. While many of the changes will center on food, other important topics addressed include mindset/self-talk, habit formation, exercise, stress, and similar lifestyle factors that contribute (or detract) from health. Some Health Coaches help clients with cooking and meal planning, too.

Health Coaches can have a private practice or work in a doctor’s office or other medical center.


「ヘルスコーチ 研修プログラム」の形式や内容を無料で紹介されているので、ヘルスコーチとはどういう仕事なのか?どんな内容を学ぶことができるのか?といった疑問を抱いている方に向けた内容です。実はヘルスコーチにも色々と種類があります。自分が学びたい・興味がある内容に合っているかを確かめてみる意味で、一度こちらを試してみるのも良いと思います。無料トライアルのクラスなので、授業がどんな感じなのか味わってみたい方に人気の理由の一つです。迷っている方は是非。




Health Coach Training Program – Overview ヘルスコーチ研修プログラム 概要



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